Well, I thought it was time for a little update....
Talon is 8 MONTHS OLD already...Wow..hard to believe... He and his mommy are doing fine as far as I know...We get to see him for the day every Sunday, and always look foreward to it, as he is alot of fun now. He is crawling around on his tummy, faster then most kids crawl, and he is managing stairs with quite a bit of ease... He is eating lots of Grandma's lunch...very polite about it though...he puts out his hand and doesn't grab....He is a very big boy and is in 2 year old clothes. He is also starting to walk around the furniture, so I imagine it won't be long until we are chasing him around.....Much to Taco and Gizmo's chagrin I am sure...LOL!
Talon is a going concern now! He has learned to move rapidly around my house, but typical to Talons personality, he doesn't crawl....exactly....he pulls himself around commando style... much to Gizmo's chagrin I am sure...LOL! He is much happier now though...he entertains himself for longer, and loves the toys, but he has also learned how to make messes... Hence...I am feeding him lunch and I THOUGHT I had moved it out of his way when I went into the kitchen to grab something...and then I come back and find it on the floor up side down....LOL! stain #1
Then, he is playing in our living room, and I went to pick him up and realized that there was SOMETHING coming out of the back of his diaper...
I yell "Oh Crap" and Kendal says "what?" and I say...."NO REALLY! OH CRAP! EVERYWHERE!"
So...Kendal starts laughing (Until he has to clean it off the rug that is...) and I take Talon clothes and all...and drop him into the tub......
We bathed him off...but apparently he figures grandma needs a shower too! (Maybe I did after that...)
Check out this video!
I took him out of the tub after his bath, went out to get his clothes and a diaper while he laid on a towel, and turned around to find him behind me pulling himself along the floor "commando" and I mean in more ways then one...no clothes...and on his tummy...man is he fast....LOL!
Grandma's house is sure fun...good thing we have carpet spot remover....
I know that I am posting a lot of older videos, but my family has finally found our blogs, so I am putting up some older stuff so they can see the boys when they were younger....
This kid seriously blows my mind...He is just barely five months old, and he is already sitting up...He is also a really big boy now...I boujght him two shirts in the last week thinking he would have a while to grow into them? No such luck...I bought 12 months and they fit right now.....WOW! I guess from now on we buy 18 months....Other milestones...well...he says a couple of words...mom...(and yes he really means it...) Gma...for Grandma....Hi (only three times though) and he mouths bye bye and is starting to wave... He is going to be good at figuring things out I think too...Yesterday I had him in his bouncy seat, and after I unbuckled him he spent a good five minutes trying to figure out how to rebuckle it...He has also figured out how I turn on the cd player, but doesn't quite know what to do with his fingers...so he sticks out his arm and lets me use his hand to push the button...(LOL) I know I probably seem like the obsessive grandma...but don't say anything till you see this kid! He also drools more then any baby I have ever met...(LOL) He has been teething since about 3 months old......
Here's the scene: Robyn's at aglow with Jeremy, the girls are out being teenagers, Talon and I are all on our own. So I did what most Grandpas would do, I broke into my parents house so Talon and I could spend the whole evening watching youtube on my dad's Mac. As it turns out Talon is a huge Numa Numa fan. Who knew?
Then Talon discovered his calling in life while we were watching this video:
Yes he is going to be a ninja, he was jumping, kicking, and flailing his arms around like crazy. It was all I could do to keep him on my lap. I've never sen him so excited.
Then the highlight of the evening; we were watching the Mac vs PC ads, when out of nowhere Talon clearly yells out, "Oh, no no no!" Then we both laughed. I guess he didn't like the ad.
Robyn and I have been married for over 10 years. We have 3 girls who are 19, 16, and 14. We were not going to have any kids of our own, until all our friends started having kids and we got jealous. So we started working on one of our own. In June we found out that our efforts had been successful. When we called our oldest daughter Krystal to surprise her with the news, she surprised us with her own news. We were going to be grandparents three months before we became parents. Our grandson Talon Jared was born on Oct 6, 2006. He has been a terrific joy in our lives and we are glad to have spent so much time with him already. Scroll all the way down to see the amazing video that Robyn produced for Talon.