Saturday, March 17, 2007

Look at me Sit!

This kid seriously blows my mind...He is just barely five months old, and he is already sitting up...He is also a really big boy now...I boujght him two shirts in the last week thinking he would have a while to grow into them? No such luck...I bought 12 months and they fit right now.....WOW! I guess from now on we buy 18 months....Other milestones...well...he says a couple of yes he really means it...) Gma...for Grandma....Hi (only three times though) and he mouths bye bye and is starting to wave...
He is going to be good at figuring things out I think too...Yesterday I had him in his bouncy seat, and after I unbuckled him he spent a good five minutes trying to figure out how to rebuckle it...He has also figured out how I turn on the cd player, but doesn't quite know what to do with his he sticks out his arm and lets me use his hand to push the button...(LOL)
I know I probably seem like the obsessive grandma...but don't say anything till you see this kid!
He also drools more then any baby I have ever met...(LOL) He has been teething since about 3 months old......

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